also title II regulations are why an OC3 at 150Mbps costs 100 times as much
as 150Mbps metro ethernet.  Ethernet is unregulated, OC3 is part of the
whole terrified crap left over from MaBell etc.  So even though both
services are delivered over the same medium (fiber) because of the
technology used OC3 is heavily regulated while ethernet is not.

Title II will make internet access more expensive, not less.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 6:49 AM, Drew Lentz <> wrote:

> I put up a quick poll, results will be shared and are anonymous.
> I'm curious to see what the percentages are between those that support and
> those that don't support the Title II argument. I've been trying to get a
> good feel for who would and wouldn't like it (mostly it seems carriers love
> it, web services hate it.) I have a feeling WISPs might be on the "hate it"
> side, but I'm interested to find out. Thanks for your answer and have a
> fantastic day!
> -d
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