On 11/19/2014 4:22 PM, Sean Heskett wrote:
> also title II regulations are why an OC3 at 150Mbps costs 100 times as 
> much as 150Mbps metro ethernet.  Ethernet is unregulated, OC3 is part 
> of the whole terrified crap left over from MaBell etc.  So even though 
> both services are delivered over the same medium (fiber) because of 
> the technology used OC3 is heavily regulated while ethernet is not.
> Title II will make internet access more expensive, not less.

No, not really.  The problem is that OC-3 is fully deregulated too -- 
the FCC only applies title II on circuits up to DS3/OC-1.  Thus the 
monopolists can charge whatever the want for it.  Ethernet is more 
competitive, so they charge less where there is competition.

The law isn't about technology, but the FCC is not always neutral. So a 
10 Mbps Ethernet is unregulated but the equivalent TDM is.  A CLEC can 
buy DS3, in many cases, for a very low price, where it' a UNE.  An ISP 
has to pay the FCC-authorized price, but in many areas (not all) the FCC 
has deregulated that too.

The Bells view SONET as a medium for carrying phone calls, and price it 
based on the assumption that it's lost toll revenue on each DS0. 
Insane.  Plus they are using 1990s gear (pre-Cerent) and pricing based 
on what the paid then, not what newer gear costs (maybe 10% of that).

  Fred R. Goldstein      k1io    fred "at" interisle.net
  Interisle Consulting Group
  +1 617 795 2701

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