Great !

A pity it has not been done years ago. US car makers would not be into
trouble nowadays and they would be exporters. Probably they would not
export assembled cars, but they would export green engines.

In any case, congratulations !

It is a turn toward the right direction and it will produce fruits in
years to come.

Peace and best wishes.


On 24 ene, 17:57, "Mercury.Sailor" <> wrote:
> First 100 Days: Obama’s first climate change target
> After eight years of inaction on climate change by the federal
> government, we can now look forward to the Obama administration
> tackling global warming head on. With not a minute to lose, Lisa
> Jackson, the soon-to-be new head of the EPA, should move quickly to
> capitalize on the momentum of states that have so far been the leaders
> in fighting global warming. There is no better place to start than by
> establishing a national greenhouse gas emission standard for
> automobiles based on California’s landmark clean car law.
> My hope would be the new EPA tackling coal burning utilities and
> bringing them to thier knees!
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