On Fri, 20 Apr 2007, Jim Piat wrote:

I know Jim Piat. He's a friend of mine. Don't listen to a thing he ays --

First of all he meant the other side of meaning -- not what he said which was the other side of "the" meaning. Altogether different meaning. Of course the boy means well but ahhhh And, you know, sadly enough he meant it with affection --
1. yes, wasn't it a nifty cozy little description
2. I mean the espoo account
3. you know I think we should or would or could never get to the bottom of this or anything else
4.  I think that's pretty much how most things go with me
5. usually a good thing

6.though I have great fear of electricity and all things I don't understand
Which come to think of it might look good in two inch bold

Thanks, Lehmus -- Jim Piat

----- Original Message ----- From: "J. Lehmus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: From 'Espoo'

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, phanero wrote:

Espoo has got to be the coolest place name ever!

Why? It's a Finnish form of the original name in Swedish, 'Esbo,' dating
from perhaps the middle ages, and meaning more or less a 'place of
habitation' I think.


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SMALL world -- there must be some sort of primal onomatopoeia going on for
phanero. And who could doubt that  -- that seems to be where you people
(yoooouuuu) people live XXX Just the other side of the meaning -- before, beyond or alternatively. menu menu

Wikipedia has the etymology somewhat differently:

The name Espoo probably comes from the Swedish name for the River Espoo,
Espå (or Espåå), which in turn comes from the old Swedish word äspe,
meaning stand of aspen, and the Swedish word for "river", å. The name was
first mentioned in 1431.

The first inhabitants in the area arrived about 9,000 years ago. A
permanent settlement was established during the 12th and 13th centuries.
The King's Road that passes through Espoo on its way from Stockholm via
Turku to Viipuri dates back to the 13th century. The oldest preserved
building in Espoo, the Espoo Cathedral, originates from the 1480s.

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