>the term aptly describes the entire planet.

you obviously haven't visited Espoo...

On Friday, April 20, 2007, at 10:35AM, "phanero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is "nowheresville" -- >
>oh please, mr. Haute Architecouture urbanismop,
>the term aptly describes the entire planet..
>the species itself is pretty tacky period at this point.
>i look forward to the day when the entirety of human consciousness
>is housed in a black monolith on some lonely island in a blank blue sea
>so the bushbabies and lizards can shreik in peace
>or better yet
>two semi-large spheroids on the surface of the moon
>one black one white
>hegel's a cluck
>evolution is not a "style issue"

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