Unfortunately, while we do vaguely know what *most* of the
users use right now, we don't know at any point, for any
particular site, what those *specific* users are browsing with,
and what they will be browsing with in the future.

Is it really still vague? 
If we keep thinking like this, will we ever get a standard?

I realize years ago, it was crazy to say, "hey I will only code for Browser X", 
because there was such a variety used out there. But lately it has been quite obvious 
what the USERS are using (and once again let me stress out that that does not mean I 
agree with what they are using) the two browsers at the top are Internet Explorer and 
Mozilla, with Internet Explorer Leading. 
Cool, time to say bye bye to EVERY other browser that is not within this range, i.e. 
the ones that only have a share of 5% or less percent. Let the top two battle it out, 
i.e. let's see who the users will choose in the next two years, after that, bye bye 
number 2. One browser left, and we can all code for one browser (or engine/parser if 
they wised up and used the same backend but different front-end) and we can all 
finally start using those fancy features that we have stayed away from because they 
don't work in every browser.

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