90% of Netscape 4 users are usually Government employees forced to use
an outdated browser due to the fear that beaurocrats (I cant spell)
have about upgrading.

Don't blame the end user for the lousy browser their employer sticks
them with. Educate the employers instead.

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 02:19:01 -0000, Kornel Lesinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why do you let 8-year-old browser to stop you from making good pages?
> I bet that 90% of Netscape 4 users are bored webmasters ;)
> Whenever some good solution is mentioned hearing "but Netscape 4 doesn't
> support this" is unavoidable.
> I agree that webpages should be accessible to all - they should work
> without CSS and JavaScript.
> Personally I use @import for CSS and use object-detection to gracefully
> degrade pages. NN4 should be threated as a text browser. It is just too
> buggy to get anything better.
> These days web looks so bad in NN4 that one more page looking ugly in this
> dinosaur doesn't matter. Actually it is even better - it proves that
> finally user needs to upgrade.
> c'mon! 6 years isn't a short notice!
> --
> regards, Kornel LesiÅski
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