Hello all,

I have the task of adding a bunch of PDF and Word files to a web site I work on, that currently conforms to WAI Priority 1 guidelines.

My first question is that if I convert the PDF files to HTML to make them more accessible, am I right in thinking that this is only half my job done? If the original file wasn't marked up correctly in the first place before being saved as PDF (with headings, etc) does this mean that its still not really accessible?

Secondly, with the Word documents, if there is an easier way to convert them to HTML? At the moment I am saving as HTML from Word, taking them into Dreamweaver and using 'Clean up Word HTML'. After that I use 'Find and replace' to strip out all <font>, <span> and attributes from <p> such as "class" and "style". At which point I still have to mark up the document with proper headings, bulleted lists, etc. A little time-consuming and fiddly to say the least!

Am I doing this right or is there another way to make these files accessible? (and make my life easier, after all it is Friday :-) )


Angela Galvin

Worth Media
15-17 Middle Street
Brighton BN1 1AL
T: 01273 201149
F: 01273 710004




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