I don't think <b></b> is valid. Just do another span, with { font-weight:bold; }

And yes, the DL is much better.

On 9/27/05, Drake, Ted C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Adam


I just sent a message about your linking colors and then looked at your source code. Here's another suggestion I would make for you.


<li class="list"><strong>The Energetics of Charisma</strong><
        Delegates are introduced to <
span class="orange">Charisma</span><span class="bold">lab</span>'s system of transformation through unique principles, methods and techniques for the management of personal energy (Charisma).</





<dl >

<dt> The Energetics of Charisma </dt>

<dd> Delegates are introduced to <span>Charisma</span><strong>lab</strong>'s system of transformation through unique principles, methods and techniques for the management of personal energy (Charisma).</dd>




Dt {background: (your orange square) no-repeat 0 0; padding-left:10px; font-weight:bold;}

Dd{padding-left:10px; margin:5px 0;}

Dl span {color:orange;}



It could be further argued that your using strong may be wrong for the icon since you don't really want to scream lab at people. Since it is purely decorative, you could wrap it in a <b></b> set.


Part of the journey through standards-based development is realizing where things could be written cleaner and more semantic markup used.


I still think the orange charisma looks too much like a link.


Good luck




On 9/24/05, Adam Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

HELP! I've just done a site for http://www.charismalab.com. Everything is great for Windows PC, Firefox, Safari BUT the client is looking at the site on her Mac OS 9 IE 5 and it's not right. I've use the import to use a separate style sheet which helped massively but there are some things that I just can't seem to make work! I've downloaded the classic mac IE and can't see what she sees .eg. apparently, the nav line on the bottom of each page breaks off and starts a new line (!) and I've given up on trying to make the wrapper stretch 100% so I'm going to simply give each page a separate wrapper and give it a fixed length, but things still aren't right... can ANYone see where I'm going wrong???
the mac ie css is http://www.charismalab.com/ie51.css





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