I've only started using web standards this year. This list has been an
invaluable source of knowledge (thanks everyone -- keep it up!).
There was a thread earlier this year that discussed how images that are
presentational and not part of the content should be placed as background
images through the css and not coded into the html with the <img>. This
makes a lot of sense.
With all sites I've worked on, I'd say that the company logo falls into this
presentational category. But I wasn't aware of this concept for my first few
sites, so I have some sites where the company logo is part of the html and
others where it is part of the css.
It is now interesting to compare the two methods and I would argue that,
from a marketing point of view, a company logo should not be a background
image. This is why:
When you watch a page load in your browser, it's a bit like watching
dominoes falling: you see a cascade of the page elements fall into place and
come to rest. How fast this happens depends on the speed of your internet
connection. When the company logo is coded into the html, it is often one of
the first images to load and it is in-your-face while everything else is
loading. But when the logo is a background image, it is one of the last
things to load. From a marketing point of view, this is not desirable.
What do others think? I am quite happy to be persuaded otherwise by a sound
logical argument/discussion!

Hope Stewart

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