Christian Montoya:

> What we call a 1998 design is 2 or 3 columns, equal height, every 
> column a different color. The key is the columns being different 
> colors. It was very typical in 1998, and looks retro now. Many 
> of us are just tired of seeing it.

Not sure of your point, though the implication is still table based
designs are usually multi-colored columns in which case I disagree.
Plain old column layouts different colored or not are a dime a dozen in
CSS too. But yes, if we're doing them let's do them in CSS. (Side note:
IMO the columns being different colors is a non-essential differentiator
for something as complex as design styles.)

> This may be true, but there is one big difference between an ugly
> based site and an ugly pure css site: the ugly css site is bad for one

> reason, while the ugly table based site is bad for two. I would rather

> have an ugly pure css site than an ugly table one. 

:) Me too, if I have to, but I was shooting for non-ugly. 

> As it happens I've only built 1 table based site this year and I have 
> no shame and no regrets, the site brings in millions of dollars a 
> year.

> Maybe, but a site's success is hardly ever due to it's appearance. 
> What it offers to users, and how usable it is, is far more important 
> than the pretty headers. 

That's a superficial view of design, good design is about a lot more
than a "pretty header". It's about contrast, unity, logical structure,
establishing the proper visual hierarchy, and all the other principles
of design. Those have a huge impact on the usability of a site. In other
words, I don't accept the appearance-usability dichotomy, they're deeply
intertwined and good design enhances both. 

I really don't want to spend my time defending table based designs, they
should be avoided as far as possible. And, as I said, the occasions when
I've had to use them are *very* infrequent and of course it's done
reluctantly, but given that time and resources are not infinite it can
be a necessity and I accept that. 

Yes CSS rules! There, I said it, now leave me alone. 



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