Nic wrote:
You go to a site, and it proudly claims xhtml/css/wai compliance. You
do a quick check, ...

Gosh. Don't do that!!!
Just think of all the hard work those poor "web designers" had to do
just to get hold of those buttons and create those links. Might have
taken them several minutes ;-)

Some of them even believe their own claims, while the others - well it's
hard to tell...
Cluelessness comes to mind, and claims are easy to make as long as
nobody holds one to them. Nobody does, you know.

My position is: never mind what others know or do or claim as long as
they don't ask for your opinion. It's most often a waste of time anyway.
It's what _we_ know and do that matters, and _we_ better know what we're
doing - or we better ask someone who have the knowledge we're missing.

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