Designer wrote:
I'm surprised at your comment that the number of windows is being reduced these days - have you seen Dreamweaver lately?

Dreamweaver has a nice tabbed interface, I'm not sure what you mean.

Flash 7?

No, I don't use flash.


I find photoshop's use of windows annoying, it would help a lot if all the little tool windows would actually dock together in one manageable group.

I find it impossible to work on a lot of these graphics programs without two monitors on the go!

And you don't consider that evidence against the use of so many windows?

Incidentally, preview pane: surely, having something appear in the preview pane is the same as opening it?

Yes, it is. But it doesn't appear in the preview pane until I select it, but even if I do, it is 100% safe for me.

And opening mail is a really good way to set a virus free.

I'm well aware that there are/have been major security holes in Outlook that allow malicious software to run simply by reading e-mail, but this is impossible to do in Thunderbird (or any other decent mail client, for that matter) in plain text mode, and I know of absolutely no security holes even in HTML mode, which I'm rarely in anyway.

Looking at the subject, who it's from etc and deciding whether to
read it or bin it is much more secure as far as I can see.

True, and the few that aren't picked up by my junk filter get manually marked as junk before I read them. But even if I did open them, it would still be completely safe.

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