From: "Christian Montoya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You're pre-supposing. If popup windows are scripted you reuse the same
window object over and over. You can never have more than one open.
Your statement is only true if the target attribute is used.

I'm not pre-supposing anything. All popup windows break the back
button (popup as in a new window, Javascript or not). When I am done
with the site that pops up, I want to use the back button to get back
to the original site. That is natural web use and popups interfere
with that. I have to close the window to go back, which, like has
already been said, is not as convenient, as the back button is on my
trackball (like a mouse but cooler), while closing a window requires
alt-f4 (two buttons miles apart) or reaching for the X.

Usually at this point I close the popup and "back out" of the
offending site. But maybe I'm too harsh.


With all due respect, you are making a blanket assessment based on a worst case scenario. Having one or two links on a few pages in a site that open a single, named popup window containing, for example, sample pages for a tutorial in the main window, is a practical use for popup windows - at least in the opinion of some folks. I think it might be gracious of you to admit that there might be more than one useful opinion on this matter.


Al Sparber

"Designing with CSS is sometimes like barreling down a crumbling mountain road at 90 miles per hour secure in the knowledge that repairs are scheduled for next Tuesday".

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