If you are interested in being and "all-rounder", don't let anyone scare you away from it. I'm an "all-rounder" (designer/developer I would call it), a one-man company. On my sites I do all the planning, information layout, designing and coding - everything. (X)HTML, CSS, javascript, PHP, MySQL on every site and before that ASP and MSSQL (until 2006).

The design process starts with pencil and paper. After bot 3-4 sheets of scribbles and squares zooming to and fro all over the paper, I have a worthy layout done. Then a wireframe is made in photoshop. Then the design is made. Then it gets chopped and pages marked up. Then the database gets built. Then the PHP is coded to stitch the front and back together. If time is left over some javascript is sprinkled in to taste. I hope that each site combines all the elements a little more smoothly than last time creating a continued progression as I go.

As long as you have an endless appetite for learning more and more all over the board, before you know it you'll be pretty far along with your knowledge.

Joseph R. B. Taylor

Sites by Joe, LLC

Breton Slivka wrote:

On 7/12/07, *Hassan Schroeder* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    , you are wrong about graphic design.

    ..but seriously, I have *never* seen an ad for a "Graphic Designer"
    (or worse, mislabeled "Web Designer") that looked for anything but
    Photoshop/Illustrator, possibly Flash, proficiency. Nothing about
    BA/IA/UX/ID. Zip. Zed.

    For the vast majority of such positions, it's all about "purty". :-)

    Seriously. I do know exceptions -- Darrell Sano, who I worked with
    at Sun, comes to mind -- but they're few and far between. Far too far.

That is an error in the Ads you've seen, and in the Advertiser's understanding of Graphic Design being just as flawed as yours. This is not an error in my definition of Graphic Design. I will not dispute that many self proclaimed "Graphic Designers" hold the same flawed view. This is a serious problem, which may be too big for me to singlehandedly handle, but a problem nonethless. To give an analogy, one could easily advertise for an accountant who is proficient in the use of Quicken and TurboTax. However this would be a flawed advertisement, as proficiency in those programs does not a qualified accountant make. Nor does proficiency in photoshop make a qualified Graphic Designer, nor would proficiency in Dreamweaver make a qualified Web Developer, nor Proficiency in MySQL a qualified Database Designer. Indeed, a common view of Surgeons may be that all they do is cut people up and shift things around, discounting any knowledge they may have of human anatomy, or medical science. Now imagine if there were a bunch of surgeons running around getting hired who had the same flawed perspective. It would be very difficult for a proper surgeon to gain any sense of credibility wouldn't it? That problem is real in both Web Development, and Graphic Design. Given that it's something both fields have in common, I would expect us to be able to team up to fight such perceptions, but sadly this is not the case for practitioners in either profession, as they each suffer from the misperceptions of the other. It makes me sad.
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