On 5/9/07 (21:17) Rimantas said:

>> That was, in part, why I started this thread; I felt (and still feel)
>> that the notion of "you MUST design for 100% of your users' default text
>> size because that is their preferred text size" was becoming a mantra.
>And that is only an assumption. Default font size was chosen by browser
>vendors, not users. Not many know they can change it. Even less who know
>do it.

My point exactly. 
(Felix argues that the browser vendors arrived at their default size
after long and careful research, but AFAIK said research remains hearsay).

To restate my earlier point (hopefully with greater clarity):
No matter what you do, people will look at a page and (probably) either
say "the type is too big" or "the type is too small". In either case
they can adjust it accordingly, except that those who want to make it
smaller (eg. those without accessibility issues) are *perhaps* less
likely to know how to. And *perhaps* that's one argument for designing
with smaller type as a baseline.  

I could be way off base of course, but that's why I want to thrash it
out here, amongst the wisdom of my peers.

Rick Lecoat

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