Hey Dwain,

1. be aware than NN4 has appalling support for CSS so your styles will have
to be quite simple. For example, NN4 requires borders around any containers
where background colour and padding are used - in order for the background
colour to spread out behind the padded areas.

2. you will probably want to serve NN4 some CSS but then be able to
over-ride this CSS for newer browsers.

3. luckily, NN4 does not support multiple media types so you can simple
serve two CSS files via the link elements in your html document. The first
CSS file link contains a single media type = "screen". The second CSS file
link contains two media types - "screen, projection" - which NN4 cannot
read. For example:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="nn4.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="modern.css" type="text/css" media="screen,
projection" />

4. Rules that are written in the second file that are of the same weight as
in the first file will over-ride those in the first file - because the
second file is later in the source order. For example:

nn4.css may contain:
body { color: blue; }

modern.css may contain:
body { color: red; }

NN4 will see blue text, all modern browsers that support the multiple media
type will see red text.

This is based on the the Cascade order: "4. Finally, sort by order
specified: if two rules have the same weight, origin and specificity, the
latter specified wins."


on 23/3/08 6:27 PM, dwain at wrote:

> i have a style sheet for a site that i would like to serve a netscape 4 style
> sheet, but i don't know how to do it.  would someone offer advise as to how to
> do this.  some sample code would be a nice touch.
> dwain

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