On May 5, 2008, at 8:58 AM, McLaughlin, Gail wrote:

There are two people I know of in my company (over 100,000 people) who can see the color red fine in the real world, but cannot read red text , typically error messages, on a computer screen. They did not know they had a problem until they called a help desk to find out why they were having a problem completing a form. Turns out they received errors but could not read them. The area where the error messages appeared looked like smudges to them, not text.

I have not read anything that describes this problem, yet they clearly could not see the text well enough to read it. My recommendation to developers is to show error messages as black text on a white background with a bold red box around the error message.

Who would ever have thought? That's really good to know - I've already started changing all my ".error" classes.

Reviewing the changed pages, they seem easier to read/understand to me - another case of improving accessibility for a small set of users becoming an improvement for all.



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