On 25 Jun 2008, at 00:35, kevin mcmonagle wrote:

Using swf object 2.0 embeded swfs as an xhtml sites primary navigation - what are the liabilities?

Assuming SWFObject 2 is like SWFObject 1 it writes your Flash file into a named Div. This div can (and should) hold alternative/falback content, which in this case should clearly be a fully-functioning html/ css navigation system.

If the visitor has Flash then the Flash swf replaces the alternative content. If they don't (or if they don't have javascript turned on) then they'll get the fallback content, which should also suffice for search engines. (Of course, don't make your fallback navigation javascript-dependant).

If you don't provide a fallback then all the pitfalls that Patrick lists are, of course, applicable. And whether the SWFObject system plays nicely with all combinations of assistive technology is another issue, but one that I can't answer.

I seem to recall reading that SWFObject 2 has an alternative method of implementation that doesn't require javascript (v1 only had the javascript option) but I've not toyed with it since version 1 so I can't confirm.

Rick Lecoat

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