Not once did I hear someone say it was prototype-based. Intact others have flat out denied it.

The question was is it either object or prototype. I merely stated if anything it should be seen as prototype, but it does have objects.

Then, it followed with all sorts of garbage from those trying to debunk the notion of javascript being prototype. Not once did I say it does not have objects. Intact I offered that it does.


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On 28/10/2008, at 7:40 AM, liorean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

2008/10/27 Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
My arguement was that while javascript has objects, it is indeed

Oh, we're not disputing that. But look at some of your earlier comments.

This for instance:
2008/10/24 Anthony Ziebell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Sure, that's what an "object" is. But OOP is not just about an "object".
There is a lot more involved.

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of JavaScript - but it has faux classes and objects, and this is why my opinion of JavaScript is that it is prototype,
not object.

First of all I'm assuming you meaning object-based and prototype-based
there, because the sentence as written just does not make sense.
Anyway, it's a false dichotomy because JavaScript is object-based AND
prototype-based. It's also object oriented.

Also, while you can say it's got faux classes (it actually has in the
ECMAScript specification, but nothing author accessible) those classes
have no greater importance to the author as they are not available to
user JavaScript.

Here's another such statement of yours:
2008/10/24 Anthony Ziebell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Forgot to clarify one thing: ECMAScript is fully OO in my opinion, however
JavaScript is not a full implementation of ECMAScript, unfortunately.

This sounds like you're insinuating that while ECMAScript is fully
object oriented, JavaScript is not. That's just plain false.

Another one:
2008/10/27 Anthony Ziebell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
There is a difference between the use of object and object-oriented
programming. Coad / Yourdon suggests object-oriented being classes and objects, inheritance and communication with messages. Does JavaScript have

Not user classes, no. Only implementation/host.

Can inheritance of JavaScript occur without prototype?

Not automatically, no. Why would it need another inheritance mechanism
in order to be object oriented?

Object-oriented programming consists of native inheritance. Are you
suggesting that a prototypical approach to inheritance one in the same as
native inheritance?

Do you mean "native" as in the implementation language (machine
native, if you will) or "native" as in user JavaScript?

Anyway, the inheritance mechanism in JavaScript is prototype
delegation, and it certainly is the native method of inheritance for
JavaScript. It may or may not be the method of inheritance for host
objects, but that's another story.

2008/10/27 Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
It is only through arguement did any mention of javascripts inheritence get a mention, which is also still true. This was not the underlying factor, but
something somone brought up.

It's the core part of being a prototype-based language, so even if
you've not mentioned inheritance you've certainly talked about it. But
you have at several occasions mentioned inheritance, so that's beyond
the point.

I'm not sure why it is so bad that javascript be prototype-based? I have said again and again that it still does have objects, sighted many sources which state javascript as a prototype-based language and other examples for the arguement along the way... It is still a good language and there is
nothing negative about prototype?

We're not arguing about that. We're arguing that it being
prototype-based is the very factor that makes it object oriented. But
you on the other hand have at least seemingly argued that it is not
object oriented, which is the point we've been addressing all along.

Anyway I only respond again because I don't like to be miss- represented. If you still feel I am wrong and disprove of the wiki articles stating it is
prototype-based, you really should edit them as it must be a
miss-representation of javascript.

We're not arguing against the articles. We've been arguing constantly
throughout this thread that JavaScript may be prototype-based, but
that does not make it any less object oriented. And I don't think I'm
missrepresenting you at all when I say you've argued against that
David "liorean" Andersson

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