I've spent the last 12 months working on the one of the largest sites in
Australia. Over this time we have updated our browser support matrix twice,
and will probably update it again soon.

For us, IE6 usage is starting to hit a rapid decline, falling at about 1
percentage point a week. The last 3 weeks have been 8.75%, 7.60% and now

Considering Chrome is currently unsupported but at 4.57% (and growing), I
expect our next update will be to drop IE6 support in favour of adding
Chrome support.

That being said, the whole site is based on progressive enhancement so it
already works in Chrome and we even have a small but consistent set of users
browsing on their PS3s.

Nevertheless, the decision of which browsers you support (and to what degree
you support them) needs to be something that you evaluate and decide
yourself using your own market metrics. Anybody who tells you what you
should and should not support is most likely an idiot and probably not a
very good business person.


Tatham Oddie
au mob: +61 414 275 989, us cell: +1 213 422 7068, skype: tathamoddie,
landline: +61 2 8011 3982, fax: +61 2 9475 5172
my business: tixi.com.au – Ticketing without the dramas

-----Original Message-----
From: li...@webstandardsgroup.org [mailto:li...@webstandardsgroup.org] On
Behalf Of Steve Green
Sent: Monday, 4 January 2010 11:10 AM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: RE: [WSG] google chrome frame

In our large-ish corporate environment we're stuck with IE6 as our default
probably for another year :(

While we know that people have installed newer browsers——IE7 is authorised,
but not the default--we still can't stop supporting IE6.


One of the UK high street banks who has tens of thousands of users recently
advised me that they will be retaining IE6 as the default browser until 2014
due to the huge amount of work required to fix the large number of bespoke
applications they use. Staff can ask for special dispensation to get IE7
installed but if you've ever tried to get a corporate IT department to do
anything you'll understand that very few people will bother asking.

I think that techies forget the concerns that ordinary people have about
technology. Older users in particular are often reluctant to install or
change anything because they don't know what they can trust and they are
scared something will break. Unlike us, they don't have the knowledge or
facilities to fix anything that goes wrong.

I suspect that the kind of websites that ordinary people use will still be
seeing significant IE6 traffic (probably in excess of 10%) for a couple more
years. The stats for techie sites will be very different, so a decision on
whether to support IE6 will depend on the demographics of the visitors.

FWIW, one of my team was in Bangalore over Christmas and had to use an
Internet café. The machines were running Windows 98! So let's not forget
that some parts of the world cannot afford to upgrade as fast as we can.

Steve Green


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