Being a 160M CW DXer, I too agree that 1826.5 is NOT a good spot for the FT8 
DXpedition frequency, as many other Topband DXers would also agree. The highest 
end of the band has plenty of room, but many antennas, cut for the low end of 
the band, won't load well up there. 

Although the 1836.6 KHz WSPR frequency has a number of users, with the advent 
of FT8, very few, if any, JT65 stations can be heard around 1838. Maybe that 
would be a better place for the DXpedition mode on 160 Meters.

If not there, then 1830 to 1835 KHz, considered the Topband 'DX window', would 
probably work, as CW ops could slide down a few KHz without to many problems. 
Of course, during contests, don't expect any frequency on the band to be free 
from QRM.


Rich - K1HTV

= = =

KA9CFD wrote:

Is the suggested Dxpedition frequency 1.8265 a typo? That would put it right in 
the middle of the CW DX window on 160m. Surely a frequency of 1.836 would be a 
better choice IMHO.

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