On 7/28/2019 11:31 AM, Bill Frantz wrote:
The fixed time slots of FT8/FT4 make it hard to find out if there is another station on the same frequency as you, even if propagation would let you hear it. It is one of the worst features of these protocols.

An obvious solution is to not call CQ all the time, but spend most of our time listening instead. :) That's always been my practice on both bands where I use FT8, 160M and 6M. It also minimizes my QRM to others wanting to hear the weak signals that may be needed grids or DXCC.

Indeed, the only times I call CQ on 6M are 1) when I know the band is open or trying to open and I know which TX cycle the other stations are using, or 2) when the band is dead and I want to use PSKReporter as a signal probe with my TX. An old hand on 6M, WA6LIE, regularly does the latter. Every hour or two, or when returning home from work, he'll CQ in several directions for a while to see what's happening.

73, Jim K9YC

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