Mike yes it did , in Fake it , both WSJT and the Flex changed freq . I will need to have a friend look to see if all is correct . I'll post to let you know.


On 11/5/2019 10:45 AM, Black Michael wrote:
Try "Fake It" instead of "Split".  You should see the VFO change when transmitting.

de Mike W9MDB

On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 10:29:42 AM CST, Edward stallman <ed.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Mike , thanks quick reply

Yes , in settings / Radio , I have split operation set to Rig

I'm doing transceive  on slice C set to DIGU , No split set on the flex and the freq does not change on the Flex .

I've used The F/H from day one, setup the way it is and always assumed I was transmitting where the red Goalie is


On 11/5/2019 9:59 AM, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:
It sounds like you do have Split set in the WSJT-X rig control, right?
But it sounds like you were transmitting on VFOA...which would have been 500Hz lower.  So what does your Flex tell you?

This has nothing to do with Fox/Hound.

de Mike W9MDB

On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 09:53:37 AM CST, Edward stallman <ed.n...@gmail.com> <mailto:ed.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

I posted this on the Flex Community but wanted to ask here too

Question while using FT8 F/H , I'm using the Flex 6600 with Slicemaster to execute WSJT.  This morning while calling  T6AA my dial freq on the flex was 7.070.00 F/H . I go into the WSJT settings and tick Hound plus check the square box, then under Radio I check  Rig and OK . I get the red flag stating I"m in Hound mode . I'm copying T6AA at 495 Hz , I set the red TX at 2002 Hz ... Now when I transmit  I see the WSJT freq shift from 7.070.000 to 7.070.500 ... All this looks as it should up to this point !

Here's the part I don't understand . I stopped transmitting long enuf to be sure I'm on a clear freq , What I see big signal on my TX freq 2002 HZ . The op was a friend of mine who was on the ON4KST low band chat . I tell him we are both transmitting on 2002 HZ . My friend and others all agree that I'm not on 2002 Hz , that they decode me at 1502 HZ . I move my Red TX to 2502 Hz and ask the group where they decode me now ? They all agree I'm still on 1502 HZ .

If this is the way it's supposed to work , I fine this strange ? to be sure I'm TXing on a clear freq I have to subtract 500 or 1000 Hz from where I place my Red goalie ... Or is something setup wrong somewhere ?

Thanks Ed N5DG

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