
I tested “Rig" split with the FT-897D using the FT-857 setting. It works.
“Split” mode is indicated on the radio’s panel, and, on the “B” VFO, the 
correctly offset TX frequency is set and used in Transmit.
I’ve always used “Fake It” with the 897, since, from early on in my use of 
WSJT-X, “Rig” split did not work correctly (in ways I don’t now remember).
I’ll run with it this way, with the Pi and the Mac, and report any anomalies.

Chuck Reti

On 2020-06-06, Black Michael <mdblack98@ya...> wrote:

> It's not a regression...the FT857 has never had set_vfo or get_vfo enabled so 
> never should have worked.
> The FT857 does have set/get_vfo but it uses a vfo toggle just like the FT897.
> If the FT857 is working well with this we can implement the same thing for 
> the FT897. 
> Are you operating in rig split mode?  Can you test with the FT857 and tell us 
> if rig split works OK?
> Mike W9MDB

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