in Pulseaudio, you need to select the input and output sources using
Just above and to the left of the wsjt-x volume control and level in
pavucontrol the device you're sending to  is shown. Click that and select
your radio's sound device.
You should, then, see the radio start transmitting.
73 de AI8W, Chris

Version: 3.1
GCS/CM/CC/E/IT/TW d-@ s+:+ !a C++$@ UBLVSCX*++++(on)$>$ P++>$ L+++$ E+@
W++>$ N+++ o+@ K+++ w@ O+@ M-@ V@>$ PS+@ PE@ Y+ PGP++ t+ 5+ X++ R@* tv++
b+>$ DI++ D+ G++ e h r+++ y+++

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 11:12 AM <> wrote:

> Hi
> I have been struggling to get wsjtx working on my Ubuntu 20.04 64bit
> Desktop. When I started I had version 2.1.1 then upgraded to 2.3.0 but
> there was no change in behavior. Rig is a FT991A using builtin USB sound
> device. Cat works OK.  I can set Audio to Pulse for both Rx and TX in
> wsjtx settings.  Rx now works and decodes OK.  I can switch modes no
> problem.  I can see wsjtx in the recording tab of pavucontrol. If
> attempt to Tx via the Tune button (or Tx enable) the rig will switch to
> TX but there is no Tx audio. wsjtx never shows up in pavucontrol's
> Playback tab. If I toggle the tune button (or Halt) the rig will go back
> to Rx but wsjtx will never decode again. The waterfall is frozen but the
> sequence timer progress bar is still working.  Toggling the Tune button
> will continue to put the Rig in and out of TX. The only way to decode
> again is to kill wsjtx and start over.  All is OK until Tx is attempted.
> Some observations.
> It is not RF related.  If I disable PTT in wsjtx so the rig never
> actually goes to TX changes nothing.
> After I attempt to Tx and quit wsjtx via the "X" or File-->Exit the Gui
> will close but a wsjtx process continues to run and has to be killed.
> If I close wsjtx before a Tx attempt it closes cleanly.
> I start wsjtx in a terminal and see no hints of what could be wrong.
> Fldigi via pulse is working fine.
> Same issue with a TS-590SG.
> Is there any way to get wsjtx to create some debug logs to trace the
> source of the problem?
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks
> 73 Glenn VE9GJ
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