Hi Stefan
In your screenshot is dsnoop not an alsa device bypassing pulse? Does tx show 
up in pavucontrol with that selection? Wsjtx does work if I use the hw: device 
but my goal is to have it working with pulse. Pulse allows multiple apps or 
instances to share the same source or sink.

BTW wsjtx never shows in pavucontrol Playback even when Tune is active. 

Glenn VE9GJ

On February 17, 2021 1:05:58 PM AST, Stefan HB9TMC <hb9...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Glenn,
>In the wsjtx' soundcard settings, I can see the individual pulseaudio 
>hardware devices on the bottom of the list (see screenshot, BurrBrown
>my external sound card), no need to use pavucontrol. Perhaps you have 
>them too?
>In pavucontrol you can only see wsjtx audio output, while the audio 
>output is active. While "tune" is active, it should be listed in 
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