why don't you use that, why don't you do that...

'many roads lead to Rome!'

another 'road' for time set: JTSYNC www.dxshell.com/jtsync.html

it reads all received time differences of FTx signals via UDP of
your WSJT-X and calculates a 'median' deviation of all +/-DT and 
with one click one can set the own PC Windows clock. 

So in case of self inflicted 'emergency', no Internet, no GPS, you 
will be pretty good inbetween the timing of the others. No guessing, 
no - a little bit up, no - a little bit down - just one click ;-)

Wish, that some of the DXpedtions had used that utility and not
beeing way off in timing.

Btw.: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_filter)

73 de Wolfgang
under construction: https://www.oe1mww.work/

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