No solution, no workaround, not even a reply?

"Claus Reinke" <> wrote in message 
>I tried updating some old wxHaskell code to work with recent
> ghc/wxHaskell. On a windows xp system, I have installed the
> ghc-6.10.3 and wxhaskell-bin-msw2.8.10-ghc6.10.3-
> binary installers. After compiling my code, I can't run the executables,
> due to missing dependencies (copied from event viewer):
>    Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT could not be found
>    and Last Error was The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.
>    Resolve Partial Assembly failed for Microsoft.VC90.CRT. Reference
>    error message: The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.
>    Generate Activation Context failed for 
> C:\WINDOWS\system32\wxc-msw2.8.10-
>    Reference error message: The operation completed successfully.
>    Application popup: NetEdit.exe - Application Error : The application failed
>    to initialize properly (0xc0150002). Click on OK to terminate the 
> application.
> This has come up before, and the advice has been to install extra bits
> of Visual Studio. However, the latest recommended version of these
> files clearly states that they may only be used with a valid Visual Studio
> license:
> So that is a no-go. As I understand the VS deployment models, VS
> distinguishes between components that may be redistributed and those
> that may not. wxHaskell should only depend on the former, and should
> include them in the binary installer, because the kind person building
> wxHaskell via VS is the only one who can include those redistributable
> dependencies.
> Deployment (C++)
> Redistributing Visual C++ Files
> Deployment Examples
> (the examples explicitly mention wxHaskell's missing library, so it
> seems to be among the redistributable ones)
> Unless I am misunderstanding the process or licensing terms, the
> wxHaskell installer should provide the missing component, or
> non-VS users will not be able to use the wxHaskell binary.
> Claus
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