Hi all,

Very busy with work, so this will need to be a short answer.

I agree with Claus that there is a potential problem here, although it
is perhaps overstated slightly. However, as someone who works at a
company which is very careful about IP issues, I understand the point.

There are a couple of approaches we could take.

One is to build wxWidgets as a completely static library, and statically
link with wxC. If we do this, we could continue to deliver binaries
built using the Microsoft toolchain, although wxHaskell binaries would
then be enormous (and I should note that Microsoft now goes to some
trouble to make it tedious to statically link the run-time).

I think, therefore, that the best approach is probably to deliver our
Windows binary builds based on the MinGW toolset. I've never actually
used this on Windows (I'm very familiar with the GNU toolset on Linux
and other unices), and I suspect that this may be the case for the other
developers. This means a transition for me, which I'm quite happy to
make in theory, but which will probably take some time for to complete
in practice.

A handy benefit of using MinGW is that we would no longer suffer from
'Manifest hell' - the exciting new scenario Microsoft has produced to
replace DLL hell...

One thing to note is that I would like to be very certain that any
change to the binary distribution model does not introduce a dependency
on cygwin.dll for wxHaskell applications on Windows, since this would
effectively require all apps based on our binaries to be GPL licensed,
which I find unacceptable.


Eric Kow wrote:
> Hi Shelarcy,
> Is this something you know what to do with?  Perhaps the non-VS build
> should be the default?
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 09:35:33 +0100, Claus Reinke wrote:
>> "Claus Reinke" <claus.rei...@talk21.com> wrote in message 
>> news:h103ak$ae...@ger.gmane.org...
>>> I tried updating some old wxHaskell code to work with recent
>>> ghc/wxHaskell. On a windows xp system, I have installed the
>>> ghc-6.10.3 and wxhaskell-bin-msw2.8.10-ghc6.10.3-
>>> binary installers. After compiling my code, I can't run the executables,
>>> due to missing dependencies (copied from event viewer):
>>>    Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.CRT could not be found
>>>    and Last Error was The referenced assembly is not installed on your 
>>> system.
> ...
>>> This has come up before, and the advice has been to install extra bits
>>> of Visual Studio. However, the latest recommended version of these
>>> files clearly states that they may only be used with a valid Visual Studio
>>> license:
>>> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=A5C84275-3B97-4AB7-A40D-3802B2AF5FC2&displaylang=en
>>> So that is a no-go. As I understand the VS deployment models, VS
>>> distinguishes between components that may be redistributed and those
>>> that may not. wxHaskell should only depend on the former, and should
>>> include them in the binary installer, because the kind person building
>>> wxHaskell via VS is the only one who can include those redistributable
>>> dependencies.
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