If you are using xterm, that seems to be the case.  Using other X-Window 
terminal programs like rxvt don’t seem to have the problem.  Using native 
MacOSX terminal applications like Terminal.app and iTerm2.app don’t have any 

However, after all of my playing around, xterm is now working as it should.  
All the cd’ing, ls’ing, in all kinds of circumstances seems to have set 


> On Oct 21, 2019, at 3:51 PM, David L Chopp <ch...@northwestern.edu> wrote:
> I also tried adding /opt/X11/bin/xterm and /bin/ls to the Full Disk Access 
> list and that didn’t work either. Funny thing is, I can access almost every 
> folder on the machine *except* Documents, Desktop, Downloads.  Seems odd that 
> security would be tight around my own Documents, but the system itself 
> including /usr and /opt is fair game.  On the other hand, cd seems to work 
> fine. I can get to any directory within Documents. I can do mkdir inside 
> Documents and then within the created directory I can do the usual 
> operations. So for example, I can create a directory 
> /Users/Myname/Documents/foo using mkdir. I can go to the finder and drag a 
> file from anywhere in Documents and drop it in the new directory, and then I 
> can view/edit/ls/whatever as long as I’m in that directory. So my guess is 
> there’s something peculiar going on with just the Documents, Desktop, and 
> Downloads directories and their subdirectories. Note that creating a new 
> folder via the Finder does not work, the new directory has the same 
> limitations as its parent.  For me, this may be the temporary fix. Create an 
> “Uploads” folder using mkdir so I can transfer files between remote machine 
> and local mac using scp and then work through the Finder locally.  Not ideal, 
> but it could be worse.
> Dave
>> On Oct 21, 2019, at 12:12 PM, Jonathan Prescott <jprescot...@icloud.com 
>> <mailto:jprescot...@icloud.com>> wrote:
>> As an addendum, using Eterm is not quite the same.  Just re-built Eterm, and 
>> tried it out.  Trying to `ls` Desktop, Documents, and Download, got the 
>> behavior mentioned in this thread.  Cd’ed to Desktop, then did `ls`, worked 
>> fine.  Cd`ed back to home and then did `ls` on Desktop, worked fine.  Same 
>> for the others.  Always worked on other directories from home such as 
>> Public, Sites, Pictures, Movies, and other directories I’ve created.
>> rxvt had no problem from the get go.
>> Looks like Catalina introduced something into the Posix sub-system that 
>> xterm, Eterm were using.  Probably a bug-fix that xterm and Eterm were 
>> taking advantage of.
>> Jonathan
>>> On Oct 21, 2019, at 1:00 PM, Jonathan Prescott via X11-users 
>>> <x11-users@lists.apple.com <mailto:x11-users@lists.apple.com>> wrote:
>>> I think the issue is xterm, not XQuartz.app or X11.app.  I got rid of my 
>>> XQuartz installation, and the old X11.app installation, and re-built 
>>> xorg-server from MacPorts from scratch on Catalina using Xcode 11.0 command 
>>> line tools.  Xterm behaved as has been described in this thread, but, rxvt, 
>>> eterm seem to be working fine, at least with respect to the behavior here.  
>>> Running with SIP activated, stock Catalina install, X11 support installed 
>>> in /opt.
>>> Jonathan
>>>> On Oct 21, 2019, at 12:16 PM, David L Chopp via X11-users 
>>>> <x11-users@lists.apple.com <mailto:x11-users@lists.apple.com>> wrote:
>>>> I tried reinstalling XQuartz, but no improvement. I don’t particularly 
>>>> want to run with SIP completely off, but maybe I’ll have to until this is 
>>>> resolved. I’ll wait until it’s a big problem. What I don’t understand is 
>>>> why ls works in my home directory, but not any of the subdirectories. 
>>>> Dave
>>>>> On Oct 18, 2019, at 1:45 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us 
>>>>> <mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>> wrote:
>>>>> David L Chopp via X11-users <x11-users@lists.apple.com 
>>>>> <mailto:x11-users@lists.apple.com>> writes:
>>>>>> I upgraded to Catalina and now I’m getting “Operation not permitted” 
>>>>>> when doing a simple “ls” command in my Desktop directory. Oddly enough, 
>>>>>> “ls" works fine in my home directory, just not any directories below 
>>>>>> that. I understand this is a casualty of the new SIP settings. I tried 
>>>>>> giving XQuartz full disk access in the privacy settings, but that didn’t 
>>>>>> help. Any ideas?
>>>>> Have you tried re-installing XQuartz?  That's my go-to solution for
>>>>> permissions issues, and I typically find that I have to do it after
>>>>> any major OS upgrade.
>>>>> FWIW, I've had no problems with XQuartz under Catalina, except for
>>>>> having to do the aforementioned reinstall.  But I run with SIP off
>>>>> (for reasons unrelated to X11), so maybe that's not a relevant
>>>>> data point for you.
>>>>> regards, tom lane
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> But leaving those of the Body, I shall proceed to such Recreation as adorn 
>>>> the Mind; of which those of the Mathematicks are inferior to none.  
>>>> ~William Leybourn
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> David Chopp
>>>> Chair
>>>> Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
>>>> Northwestern University
>>>> E-mail: ch...@northwestern.edu <mailto:ch...@northwestern.edu>
>>>> Phone: (847)-491-8391
>>>> Fax: (847)-491-2178
>>>> Homepage: http://people.esam.northwestern.edu/chopp 
>>>> <http://people.esam.northwestern.edu/chopp>
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mathematics is the music of reason. ~James Sylvester
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> David Chopp
> Chair
> Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
> Northwestern University
> E-mail: ch...@northwestern.edu <mailto:ch...@northwestern.edu>
> Phone: (847)-491-8391
> Fax: (847)-491-2178
> Homepage: http://people.esam.northwestern.edu/chopp
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