I apologize for the delayed response, I am working in a closed environment and 
it takes forever to get things done.  I was able to get KDE installed on a 
workstation and I re-ran the test and it still closes my connection just like 

I do not have access to xdotool and it would probably take at least 2 months to 
get approved for use on my system (if at all).  I would prefer to avoid that.  
May be faster to write a simple app to resize a window...

I looked at the session log and I don't see anything in the log that is 
suspicious.  When I startup I maximize the session window and I see that in the 
log and then the next entry is the session being suspended (which I do after my 
connection is killed and I try to reconnect).  So there is basically nothing 
for the entire time I am doing my test.

Here is the xwininfo.  I had to hand-type this so there could be typos... 

xwininfo: Window id: 0x300030a "[Fake Title]"
  Root window id: 0x68 (the root window) (has no name)
  Parent window id: 0x10003f7 (has no name)
     2 children:
     0x3000343 "[Fake name]": () 796x581+2+190  +722+348
     0x300030b (has no name): () 1x1+-1+-1   ++719+157

  Absolute upper-left X: 720
  Absolute upper-left Y: 158
  Relative upper-left X: 2
  Relative upper-left Y: 26
  Width: 800
  Height 815
  Depth: 24
  Visual: 0x4a
  Visual Class: TrueColor
  Border width: 0
  Class: InputOutput
  Colormap: 0x43 (installed)
  Bit Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
  Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
  Backing Store State: NotUseful
  Save Under State: no
  Map State: IsViewable
  Override Redirect State: no
  Corners:   +720+158  -400-205  +720-205
  -geometry 800x815+718+132

  Bit gravity: NorthWestGravity
  Window gravity: NorthWestGravity
  Backing-store hint: NotUseful
  Backing-planes to be preserved: 0xffffffff
  Backing pixel: 0
  Save-unders: No

  Someone wants these events:
Do not propogate these evnets:
Override redirection?:  No

Window manager hints:
        Client accepts input or input focus: Yes
        Initial state is Normal State
        Displayed on desktop 0
        Window type:
        Process id: 20248 on host [hostname]
        Frame extents: 2, 2, 26, 4

Normal window size hints:
        Program supplied window gravity: NorthWestGravity
No zoom window size hints defined

No window shape defined
No border shape defined

-----Original Message-----
From: ulrich.sibil...@gmail.com [mailto:ulrich.sibil...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of 
Ulrich Sibiller
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 11:41 PM
To: Dionne, Dennis P <dennis.p.dio...@boeing.com>
Cc: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] multiwindow option and resizing an application window

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 9:19 PM, Dionne, Dennis P <dennis.p.dio...@boeing.com> 
>   Thank you for replying!  What it does is it kills the client connection but 
> the session is still running.  When I reconnect it tries to resume and will 
> usually show the desktop for a few seconds and then the connection is killed 
> again.  If I do this enough times (3-5 times) it will resume successfully but 
> the window is not resized and I still cannot resize it, but the session is 
> otherwise working fine.

There should be a logfile on the session on the server, usually in ~/x2go. Can 
you check for suspicious messages there?

I think it is worth trying the upcoming 3.6.x version of the nx-libs.
Unfortunately you need to build the rpm yourself. Please clone the repo at 
https://github.com/ArcticaProject/nx-libs.git and use the specfile in there to 
build an rpm.

> I cannot get the linux x2go client ( to work because of this 
> issue https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-bugs/2014-05/msg00556.html
> https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-bugs/2014-05/msg00076.html
> I don't use the linux client so this is not an issue for me but for this 
> troubleshooting I can try to get it working.

Yeah, have come over this problem, too. But as I am not involved in the 
x2goclient development or packaging I cannot help here. Anyone?

> I did try this test with a much older version ( of the client 
> on linux (which does work on RHEL6) and I was able to resize in 
> windowed mode successfully.  That may be enough to

Oh, that shifts focus back to windows again. Mike#2, any ideas?

answer your question (and isolate it to windows).  If not let me know and I 
will pursue getting linux client working on RHEL6.
According to the bug reports, I would have to update libssh to >= 0.6 but that 
is problematic on RHEL6 (apparently it's unsupported because I can't even 
download it from RHN for RHEL6 but I can for RHEL7).  I will have to install 
some newer packages in parallel with the older versions and update 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH when using x2goclient...

> As far as giving you the application, unfortunately this application is 
> proprietary and I do not own it so I cannot give it to you.  I know I am not 
> giving you much to help me troubleshoot this and I do apologize for that.  If 
> you simply don't have enough information to troubleshoot this problem I 
> completely understand.
> One clue I found in the user's .xsession-x2go-errors log is an entry like 
> this:
> Window manager warning: Window <hex> (<RESIZING APP NAME>) sets an MWM hint 
> indicating it isn't resizable, but sets min size <X1>x<Y1> and max size of 
> <X2>x<Y2>; this doesn’t make much sense.

If you google for that message you'll find that this is from metacity and only 
a harmless warning. However, I am wondering why the app cann be resized at all 

Do you see the resizing problem when using another window manager or even 
desktop? Can you sucessfully resize using xdotool? Can you run xwininfo on the 
application window and post the output?

> This seems like the smoking gun, based on my limited understanding of what is 
> going on.  I could try and write a stub application (in motif which this 
> problem application is written in) and attempt to reproduce this problem.  
> That code I could give you.  If or when that is worthwhile let me know and I 
> can start on that.

No, let's try other stuff first.


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