See specifically:

You really don't want the following image to appear for every tile requested by xastir for all users:

On 11/10/2015 11:06 PM, Jason KG4WSV wrote:
On Nov 10, 2015, at 5:39 PM, Skyler F<>  wrote:

I don't see why nobody just puts together an easy script, or even builds it
in xastir to Download (not store it on the cache) the tile maps.
Because it violates the terms of service for many (most?) map servers. Which 
could result in you, all xastir users, etc to be denied service. Or to cause 
the service provider to give up, shut down, and spend their time and money on a 
different project.

Or it may not work because the map severs have some self defense mechanisms to 
prevent such a script from slamming the server (e.g. too many requests or Mb 
per unit time).


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