> Interesting.. so I wonder:
>   - Where you would need to run that program in to places the files in the
> correct Xastir path
>      ~/.xastir/OSMtiles/mapnik/
>   - Would the resulting files be in the proper format to Xastir to use them
>      looks like it since it writes png and Xastir uses png
> There doesn't seem to be any network / tile throttling support so I guess
> one would need to specify one region at a time, sleep a while, do the next
> zoom, etc.  Looks pretty promising though!
> --David

So the ultimate solution for the raspberry pi folks would be to run a tile
server on their home computer (so there is no violation of terms and you
can download as many tiles as needed), and then run this script to cache as
many maps as needed onto their pi. I think that is the way to go!

Heck, you could probably even set it up so every time the pi connects to
your home network (back from your trip when you used the maps), it
automatically downloads the latest maps from your home tile server.

I'm sure with time, there might be some hams with acces to big data centers
and might be willing to serve a OSM server for hams.
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