On Jul 5, 2007, at 07:34, N1OFZ wrote:

I have had Xastir running here for over a month and I've had it run even longer with no usb dongles. I ONLY use Keyspan usb -> serial adapters on the Mac. I have others that are Prolific based and have had varying success, though they run fine under Linux. Last year I did a 5 hour car ride and ran a pair of Keyspan adapters (one on the gps, the other on the tnc) with no problems.

What is your device string? Using a Keyspan it should be something like: /dev/cu.USA19QI181P1.1. Do not use the /dev/tty devices.


It is still running, no crashes since I disabled the USB dongle. So I suspect that is the culprit. It is running the latest update (2.4) which I tried before the last crash (the last thing before I disabled it). I have nothing but Keyspan USB/serial adapters. I have three. Only one is connected to that machine. Perhaps the next time I am feeling motivated I might try one of my others to see if it's that specific device rather than the software.

I'd love to hear other suggestions. If the problem does relate to the USB adapter, is there any chance it relates to the Xastir code? Or is it certain to he the driver?

-- Chip
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