
I followed this thread on the list archives.

I've just installed Fedora 18 and now I want to run the VM images I
previously run on Fedora 16 (xen 4.1 + libvirt).

So, I would like to know what is the current status of xen/libvirt
>From the xen wiki (http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Fedora_Host_Installation), it
seems that it is still unsafe to use libvirt with the xl toolstack.
But the last update is on Febraury 2013. So some time is passed.
Is it still true?

Furthermore, do you know what changes one has to do to a libvirt VM
configuration XML file that was used to define VM for the xend toolstack?

Thank you very much for the help!


-- Marco
xen mailing list

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