Wael BACHTA wrote:
> Hi,
> I use an Intel Pentium 4 processor which can be used as 2 virtual
> processors when setting the SMP option during the kernel compiling (I can
> see 2 processors with "cat /proc/cpuinfo").

Hyperthreading? No good idea for RT if you are after low latencies. This
virtualisation of a second CPU is incomplete and can cause congestions
so that you stall on low-prio work at arbitrary points in your code. I
would suggest to measure the effect to be sure if it is acceptable
(latency test under high non-RT load like kernel builds, with SMP vs. !SMP).

> I patched the kernel with adeos in order to install xenomai. I discovered
> that :
> - when completely disabling the ACPI and setting the SMP, my system boots
> but I have only one processor when I look into /proc/cpuinfo
> - Everything goes well when I don't disable completely the ACPI.
> I also use a PCI framegrabber. its driver is a real time one developed

[If it is for common hardware, publishing it would be nice. I guess that
there are others interested in such support.]

> under xenomai. I noticed that this driver works fine only if the PCI_MSI
> is set. Otherwise, I don't have any interrupts.
> I must use my real time driver and the 2 virtual processors.
> But, when I enable the ACPI, the SMP and the PCI_MSI, I have a kernel
> panic. My PC boots when I disable the ACPI but I loose 1 processor.

What about ACPI on (/wo ACPI_PROCESSOR) and SMP off?

> I don't see what's wrong.

Likely Adeos/I-pipe, as the amount of MSI-related bug reports also
indicates. Maybe this workaround already helps you:


If not, try to catch the oops (e.g. via serial or netconsole) for
further debugging. In any case, please post your findings.


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