Hi Jan,

Jan Kiszka wrote:
Wolfgang Grandegger wrote:

Jan Kiszka wrote:
Wolfgang Grandegger wrote:
Jan Kiszka wrote:
the new Xenomai example repository has been created. I don't want to repeat here what is explained already on the related wiki page, please have a look at http://www.xenomai.org/index.php/Examples Instead, let me sketch what could be done next: o Port existing examples, snippets, demos from ksrc/skins/* over, make them compilable and runnable if required. o Identify what kind of examples are lacking. You, the user, is needed here. What do *you* think is missing, what would be helpful to show? o Check what is needed to compile kernel-based examples over PPC 2.4. Philippe indicated that some switches are likely missing (x86 is fine already, other archs are 2.6-only).
Some time ago I sent a patch for RTnet using the "kernel CFLAGS
capturing" trick to get proper switches for 2.4: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=9493711&forum_id=24610 We could do the same trick here.
Yeah, I had a look at this before. The point is that I would prefer to
keep things _simple_ and self-contained. This capturing requires some helper Makefile and complex call nestings that likely only people with advanced make and shell skills can understand and adopt to their projects. But maybe things are that complicated already, and this is just different complexity. How do you compile simple out-of-tree modules against 2.4 PPC kernels? Are there any standard flags? Or is it different for each board or each compiler version or whatever?
I just cut and paste the flags from a kernel module make. For PPC, there are plenty of flags, not board but some are processor depended, but I'm unable to tell which one are really required. For this reason I like the module capturing trick.
What about this patch? I /seems/ to work (yeah, only tested on x86...), merging 
whole capturing stuff into the same Makefile. Please give it hell on PPC.

The attached Makefile works. I had to fix two problems. First, cross compilation was not supported. I now take the CC from "xeno-config --cc" for user space applications. I think "xeno-config" is intended only for making user space applications and therefore CC should be specified on the command line for kernel modules:

$ make KSRC=/devel/linuxppc_2_4_devel ARCH=ppc CC=ppc-linux-gcc
ppc-linux-gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/devel/linuxppc_2_4_devel/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -fomit-frame-pointer -I/devel/linuxppc_2_4_devel/arch/ppc -fsigned-char -msoft-float -pipe -ffixed-r2 -Wno-uninitialized -mmultiple -mstring -g -ggdb -DMODULE -I/devel/linuxppc_2_4_devel-2006_11_21_1134/include/xenomai -I/devel/linuxppc_2_4_devel-2006_11_21_1134/include/xenomai/compat -I/devel/linuxppc_2_4_devel-2006_11_21_1134/include/xenomai/posix -c -o heartbeat-x86.o heartbeat-x86.c

Furthermore I removed "-I$(KSRC)/include", it is already included in the captured CFLAGS.


Index: rtdm/driver-api/Makefile
--- rtdm/driver-api/Makefile    (Revision 1916)
+++ rtdm/driver-api/Makefile    (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -47,23 +47,23 @@ ifneq ($(MODULES),)
OBJS := ${patsubst %, %.o, $(MODULES)}
 CLEANMOD := ${patsubst %, .%*, $(MODULES)}
+PWD      := $(shell if [ "$$PWD" != "" ]; then echo $$PWD; else pwd; fi)
-# Kernel 2.6
+### Kernel 2.6
 ifeq ($(findstring 2.6,$(KSRC)),2.6)
obj-m := $(OBJS)
 EXTRA_CFLAGS := -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai/posix 
-PWD          := $(shell pwd)
        $(MAKE) -C $(KSRC) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
-# Kernel 2.4
+### Kernel 2.4
+ARCH ?= $(shell uname -i)
 INCLUDE := -I$(KSRC)/include -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai 
-I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai/compat -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai/posix
-CFLAGS  += -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ 
-           -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common $(INCLUDE) $(ADD_CFLAGS)
+CFLAGS  += $(shell $(MAKE) -s -C $(KSRC) CC=$(CC) ARCH=$(ARCH) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) 
modules) $(INCLUDE) $(ADD_CFLAGS)
all:: $(OBJS) @@ -74,3 +74,7 @@ clean::
        $(RM) -R .tmp*
+## Target for capturing 2.4 module CFLAGS
+       @echo "$(CFLAGS)"


###### CONFIGURATION ######

### List of applications to be build

### Note: to override the search path for the xeno-config script, use "make 

### List of modules to be build
MODULES = heartbeat-x86

### Default to sources of currently running kernel
KSRC ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build

### Note: to override the kernel source path, use "make KSRC=..."

###### USER SPACE BUILD (no change required normally) ######
ifneq ($(APPLICATIONS),)

XENOCONFIG=$(shell PATH=$(XENO):$(XENO)/bin:$(PATH) which xeno-config 

### Sanity check
ifeq ($(XENOCONFIG),)
        @echo ">>> Invoke make like this: \"make XENO=/path/to/xeno-config\" 

CC=$(shell $(XENOCONFIG) --cc)

CFLAGS=$(shell $(XENOCONFIG) --xeno-cflags) $(MY_CFLAGS)

LDFLAGS=$(shell $(XENOCONFIG) --xeno-ldflags) $(MY_LDFLAGS) -lnative -lrtdm


        $(RM) $(APPLICATIONS) *.o


###### KERNEL MODULE BUILD (no change required normally) ######
ifneq ($(MODULES),)

OBJS     := ${patsubst %, %.o, $(MODULES)}
CLEANMOD := ${patsubst %, .%*, $(MODULES)}
PWD      := $(shell if [ "$$PWD" != "" ]; then echo $$PWD; else pwd; fi)

### Kernel 2.6
ifeq ($(findstring 2.6,$(KSRC)),2.6)

obj-m        := $(OBJS)
EXTRA_CFLAGS := -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai/posix 

        $(MAKE) -C $(KSRC) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

### Kernel 2.4

ARCH    ?= $(shell uname -i)
INCLUDE := -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai -I$(KSRC)/include/xenomai/compat 
CFLAGS  += $(shell $(MAKE) -s -C $(KSRC) CC=$(CC) ARCH=$(ARCH) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) 
modules) $(INCLUDE) $(ADD_CFLAGS)

all:: $(OBJS)


        $(RM) $(CLEANMOD) *.cmd *.o *.ko *.mod.c Module*.symvers
        $(RM) -R .tmp*


## Target for capturing 2.4 module CFLAGS
        @echo "$(CFLAGS)"
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