Per Gilles's suggestion, Mark at Stellartech ran latency and klatency with the TSC enabled "the hack" and without the TSC enabled. He also posted the CPU task measurements with our app running without the hack, which is horrible compared to when the TSC is on.

It looks like we are better off with the TSC. The worst case is much better, anyway.


Results with tsc hack

/ # ./latency
== Sampling period: 100 us
== Test mode: periodic user-mode task
== All results in microseconds
warming up...
RTT|  00:00:01  (periodic user-mode task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      17.995|      26.691|      59.956|       0|      17.995|      59.956
RTD|      19.125|      29.742|      72.538|       0|      17.995|      72.538
RTD|      20.428|      30.728|      81.350|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      19.840|      30.781|      61.520|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      19.833|      29.481|      67.642|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      19.513|      29.989|      70.172|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      20.251|      31.119|      67.482|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      20.064|      30.347|      64.858|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      19.429|      29.311|      65.019|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      18.751|      30.116|      68.531|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      20.455|      31.236|      71.726|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      20.111|      30.123|      67.341|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      18.918|      29.612|      71.134|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTD|      20.047|      30.514|      69.701|       0|      17.995|      81.350
RTS|      17.995|      29.983|      81.350|       0|    00:00:14/00:00:14
/ # ./klatency

/lib/modules/ # 
== Sampling period: 100 us
== Test mode: in-kernel periodic task
== All results in microseconds
warming up...
RTT|  00:00:00  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -2.080|       1.486|      15.408|       0|      -2.080|      15.408
RTD|       0.399|       1.647|      16.724|       0|      -2.080|      16.724
RTD|      -1.980|       1.665|      15.926|       0|      -2.080|      16.724
RTD|      -1.995|       1.386|       8.039|       0|      -2.080|      16.724
RTD|       0.406|       1.605|      11.556|       0|      -2.080|      16.724
RTD|      -2.019|       1.402|      18.811|       0|      -2.080|      18.811
RTD|       0.387|       1.530|      15.923|       0|      -2.080|      18.811
RTD|      -2.014|       1.649|      19.122|       0|      -2.080|      19.122
RTD|      -1.984|       1.491|      15.397|       0|      -2.080|      19.122
RTD|       0.412|       1.903|      11.345|       0|      -2.080|      19.122
RTD|      -2.087|       1.592|      17.973|       0|      -2.087|      19.122
RTD|       0.434|       1.644|      25.208|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -2.033|       1.633|      21.371|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -2.009|       1.552|      12.160|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|       0.460|       1.750|      14.285|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -2.015|       1.501|      13.514|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -0.402|       1.496|      12.506|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -2.013|       1.639|      14.297|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -2.025|       1.418|      10.627|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|       0.513|       1.763|       6.998|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -1.981|       1.475|      10.352|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTT|  00:00:00  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|       0.410|       1.642|      10.753|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -2.026|       1.847|      10.811|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -1.897|       1.563|      20.965|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|       0.440|       1.783|      14.815|       0|      -2.087|      25.208
RTD|      -2.119|       1.462|      13.438|       0|      -2.119|      25.208
RTD|       0.367|       1.661|      11.577|       0|      -2.119|      25.208
RTD|      -2.021|       1.781|      17.126|       0|      -2.119|      25.208
RTD|      -2.013|       1.399|      12.564|       0|      -2.119|      25.208
RTD|       0.466|       1.706|       5.723|       0|      -2.119|      25.208
RTD|      -2.024|       1.391|      13.495|       0|      -2.119|      25.208
RTD|      -0.387|       1.852|      55.675|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.020|       1.541|      13.236|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.429|       1.433|      17.682|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.553|       1.744|      16.433|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.993|       1.420|      18.884|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.398|       1.656|      18.628|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.118|       1.826|      11.203|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.706|       1.566|      23.025|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.555|       1.783|      22.984|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.037|       1.477|      14.043|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.392|       1.679|      12.628|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTT|  00:00:12  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -2.000|       1.678|      17.200|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.553|       1.408|      12.061|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.564|       1.665|      13.912|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.006|       1.353|      16.984|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.412|       1.556|      13.559|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.019|       1.624|      14.935|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.450|       1.505|      22.086|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.574|       1.910|      16.389|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.043|       1.469|      15.453|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.387|       1.660|      25.465|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.070|       1.599|      13.185|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.422|       1.590|      13.126|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.555|       1.795|      15.509|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.996|       1.451|      18.445|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.338|       1.515|      14.528|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.013|       1.489|      18.484|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.383|       1.471|      22.710|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.509|       1.736|      15.731|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.015|       1.406|      22.151|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.404|       1.626|      19.137|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.076|       1.747|      22.783|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTT|  00:00:33  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -0.373|       1.586|      12.331|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.552|       1.809|      12.310|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.035|       1.524|      24.429|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.377|       1.680|      13.651|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.006|       1.600|      14.234|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.591|       1.452|      21.914|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.444|       1.664|      17.583|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.023|       1.381|      15.504|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.401|       1.571|      19.722|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.005|       1.559|      12.034|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.453|       1.528|      18.904|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.071|       1.958|      11.443|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.109|       1.470|      19.026|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.396|       1.673|      15.646|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.055|       1.559|      11.562|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.395|       1.647|      18.476|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.409|       1.831|      13.920|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.999|       1.386|      16.375|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.310|       1.533|      13.296|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.007|       1.457|      17.216|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.368|       1.596|      13.787|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTT|  00:00:54  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|       0.098|       1.727|      12.937|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.998|       1.415|      20.423|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.408|       1.717|      20.182|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.101|       1.822|      21.652|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.340|       1.612|      18.109|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.165|       1.764|      16.344|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.114|       1.474|      28.347|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.467|       1.688|      26.743|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.016|       1.593|      25.887|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.403|       1.427|      11.252|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.128|       1.641|      11.446|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.024|       1.356|      17.629|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.420|       1.577|      14.643|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.012|       1.575|      19.857|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.156|       1.560|      24.963|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.332|       1.944|      22.450|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.053|       1.483|      18.985|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.401|       1.675|      15.563|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.106|       1.551|      13.388|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.203|       1.749|      27.646|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.577|       1.811|      30.533|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTT|  00:01:15  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -2.014|       1.368|      18.239|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.355|       1.546|      15.007|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.025|       1.444|      21.938|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.062|       1.552|      16.375|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.501|       1.725|      16.789|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.001|       1.415|      20.799|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.439|       1.676|      18.975|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.099|       1.655|      20.731|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.196|       1.620|      18.939|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.608|       1.782|      28.857|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.984|       1.499|      12.757|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.367|       1.687|      23.015|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.020|       1.551|      14.758|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.535|       1.457|      13.797|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.688|       1.625|      13.541|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.021|       1.370|      16.349|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.358|       1.571|      21.423|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.026|       1.561|      17.119|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.332|       1.564|      20.072|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -0.834|       1.936|      13.682|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.065|       1.508|      12.220|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTT|  00:01:36  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|       0.374|       1.681|      12.000|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.091|       1.553|      11.520|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.320|       1.652|      13.730|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.000|       1.750|      15.715|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.021|       1.372|      18.243|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.278|       1.551|      17.808|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.015|       1.487|      20.098|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.140|       1.566|      20.535|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.139|       1.716|      17.900|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.015|       1.432|      18.501|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.453|       1.730|      14.905|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.058|       1.656|      11.046|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.246|       1.634|      12.925|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.212|       1.723|      12.317|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.044|       1.517|      16.159|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.394|       1.699|      18.319|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.025|       1.550|      14.146|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.099|       1.453|      14.139|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.521|       1.589|      15.770|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -2.023|       1.412|      17.870|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.329|       1.620|      21.813|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTT|  00:01:57  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -2.026|       1.499|      19.023|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|       0.302|       1.579|      19.284|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTD|      -1.452|       1.866|      13.687|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
^CRTD|      -2.104|       1.535|      14.196|       0|      -2.119|      55.675
RTS|      -2.119|       1.589|      55.675|       0|    00:02:00/00:02:00

Results with nohack

/ # ./latency
== Sampling period: 100 us
== Test mode: periodic user-mode task
== All results in microseconds
warming up...
RTT|  00:00:01  (periodic user-mode task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      30.394|      43.387|      66.907|       0|      30.394|      66.907
RTD|      25.695|      51.377|      70.890|       0|      25.695|      70.890
RTD|      25.227|      33.682|      85.771|       0|      25.227|      85.771
RTD|      20.722|      31.730|      97.354|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      23.426|      34.223|      59.628|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      28.652|      46.772|      74.914|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      26.206|      51.370|      73.423|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      24.759|      33.558|      80.748|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      25.715|      31.690|      75.191|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      23.763|      34.384|      59.698|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      30.059|      46.989|      72.150|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      28.649|      51.567|      70.990|       0|      20.722|      97.354
RTD|      12.471|      33.374|      90.430|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      24.368|      31.710|      82.165|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      21.681|      34.491|      59.648|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      21.314|      47.220|      85.293|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      27.416|      50.675|      69.994|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      22.229|      33.221|      68.785|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      13.120|      31.727|      86.329|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      22.567|      34.634|      56.898|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      30.521|      47.387|      74.576|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTT|  00:00:22  (periodic user-mode task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      28.549|      50.578|      73.447|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      20.709|      33.234|      75.909|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      22.236|      31.720|      75.011|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      22.450|      34.818|      55.524|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      31.968|      47.490|      73.136|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTD|      26.835|      50.284|      83.342|       0|      12.471|      97.354
RTS|      12.471|      40.122|      97.354|       0|    00:00:27/00:00:27

/ # ./klatency
== Sampling period: 100 us
== Test mode: in-kernel periodic task
== All results in microseconds
warming up...
RTT|  00:00:00  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -0.058|       0.981|      15.443|       0|      -0.098|      15.443
RTD|      -0.315|       0.939|      12.596|       0|      -0.315|      15.443
RTD|      -0.032|       0.978|      13.572|       0|      -0.315|      15.443
RTD|      -0.300|       1.036|      13.371|       0|      -0.315|      15.443
RTD|      -0.099|       1.832|     142.261|       2|      -0.315|     142.261
RTD|       2.061|       5.328|      13.832|       2|      -0.315|     142.261
RTD|      -1.428|      10.295|      33.038|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|       0.287|       7.548|      32.728|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|       1.620|       9.494|      27.019|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|       2.034|       4.997|      23.769|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|       1.566|       5.807|      30.386|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|      -1.402|      10.267|      34.574|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|      -0.987|       7.364|      29.561|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|       1.701|       9.521|      25.052|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|       1.579|       4.980|      28.992|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|       1.860|       5.812|      27.932|       2|      -1.428|     142.261
RTD|      -1.535|      10.465|      34.133|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|      -0.800|       7.295|      30.370|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|       1.753|       9.528|      32.192|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|       1.699|       4.969|      29.681|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|       1.806|       5.850|      40.060|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTT|  00:00:00  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -1.522|      10.504|      34.023|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|       0.297|       6.946|      29.632|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|       1.806|       9.544|      24.557|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|       2.223|       4.948|      30.821|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|       1.913|       5.870|      27.388|       2|      -1.535|     142.261
RTD|      -1.576|      10.669|      32.726|       2|      -1.576|     142.261
RTD|       1.790|       6.767|      28.812|       2|      -1.576|     142.261
RTD|       1.538|       9.587|      25.439|       2|      -1.576|     142.261
RTD|       2.581|       4.955|      30.326|       2|      -1.576|     142.261
RTD|       1.806|       5.881|      28.463|       2|      -1.576|     142.261
RTD|      -0.110|       1.491|      25.369|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.105|       1.002|      14.384|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.062|       0.998|      18.598|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.130|       1.003|      13.834|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.117|       0.995|      13.491|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.077|       1.005|      14.942|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.305|       0.966|      14.116|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.332|       0.974|      17.042|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.304|       0.969|      31.052|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.036|       1.001|      19.745|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTD|      -0.089|       0.996|      15.757|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTT|  00:00:12  (in-kernel periodic task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|-----lat min|-----lat avg|-----lat max|-overrun|----lat best|---lat worst
RTD|      -0.040|       1.001|      18.272|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
^CRTD|      -0.298|       0.990|      14.129|       4|      -1.630|     170.587
RTS|      -1.630|       2.685|     170.587|       4|    00:00:13/00:00:13

Stats without hack during pullback test

/ # cat /proc/xenomai/stat
CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT       %CPU  NAME
  0  0      0          532017     0     00500080   29.2  ROOT
  0  952    84         148        0     00300182    0.0  rtlogd
  0  954    1          1          0     00300380    0.0  rtlogd socket
  0  0      0          1030       0     00000082    0.0  klat_srvr
  0  1029   0          2          0     00300182    0.0
  0  1032   0          2289       0     00300184    0.0  heartbeat
  0  1028   4          44         0     00300380    0.0  main thread
  0  1033   1          5811       0     00300184    0.4  xoft watchdog
  0  1034   1          43141      0     00300184    5.7  tpanelt
  0  1035   1          5730       0     00300184    0.1  watchdog
  0  1036   1          228861     0     00300184    5.2  power
  0  1037   1          9053       0     00300184    9.9  steppert
  0  1038   1          4499       0     00300184   12.5  rstepper meas
  0  1039   1          46642      0     00300184   11.3  state
  0  1041   148        2912       0     00300186    0.1
  0  1145   0          326        0     00300182    0.1
  0  1148   374        522        0     00300380    0.6
  0  0      0          11963336   0     00000000   24.3  IRQ0: [timer]
/ # cat /proc/xenomai/stat
CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT       %CPU  NAME
  0  0      0          536828     0     00500080   29.4  ROOT
  0  952    84         148        0     00300182    0.0  rtlogd
  0  954    1          1          0     00300380    0.0  rtlogd socket
  0  0      0          1033       0     00000082    0.0  klat_srvr
  0  1029   0          2          0     00300182    0.0
  0  1032   0          2320       0     00300184    0.0  heartbeat
  0  1028   4          44         0     00300380    0.0  main thread
  0  1033   1          5924       0     00300184    0.4  xoft watchdog
  0  1034   1          44359      0     00300184    5.8  tpanelt
  0  1035   1          5808       0     00300184    0.1  watchdog
  0  1036   1          231899     0     00300184    4.9  power
  0  1037   1          14587      0     00300184   10.0  steppert
  0  1038   1          7261       0     00300184   12.5  rstepper meas
  0  1039   1          48365      0     00300184   11.3  state
  0  1041   148        2952       0     00300186    0.1
  0  1145   0          357        0     00300182    0.1
  0  1148   598        839        0     00300380    0.6
  0  0      0          12016995   0     00000000   24.2  IRQ0: [timer]

/proc/xenomai/stat during treatment without the hack

/ # cat /proc/xenomai/stat
CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT       %CPU  NAME
  0  0      0          1503227    0     00500080   16.4  ROOT
  0  952    194        353        0     00300182    0.0  rtlogd
  0  954    1          1          0     00300380    0.0  rtlogd socket
  0  0      0          2033       0     00000082    0.0  klat_srvr
  0  1029   0          2          0     00300182    0.0
  0  1032   0          11416      0     00300184    0.0  heartbeat
  0  1028   4          44         0     00300380    0.0  main thread
  0  1033   1          30521      0     00300184    0.4  xoft watchdog
  0  1034   1          219814     0     00300184    5.6  tpanelt
  0  1035   1          28762      0     00300184    0.1  watchdog
  0  1036   1          1141490    0     00300184    5.0  power
  0  1037   1          219051     0     00300184   10.2  steppert
  0  1038   1          108935     0     00300184   12.4  rstepper meas
  0  1039   1          295444     0     00320184   16.8  state
  0  1041   550        14219      0     00300186    0.1
  0  1426   210        3988       0     00300182    7.9
  0  0      0          27768490   0     00000000   24.5  IRQ0: [timer]
/ # cat /proc/xenomai/stat
CPU  PID    MSW        CSW        PF    STAT       %CPU  NAME
  0  0      0          1504336    0     00500080   17.1  ROOT
  0  952    194        353        0     00300182    0.0  rtlogd
  0  954    1          1          0     00300380    0.0  rtlogd socket
  0  0      0          2036       0     00000082    0.0  klat_srvr
  0  1029   0          2          0     00300182    0.0
  0  1032   0          11429      0     00300184    0.0  heartbeat
  0  1028   4          44         0     00300380    0.0  main thread
  0  1033   1          30590      0     00300184    0.4  xoft watchdog
  0  1034   1          220302     0     00300184    5.7  tpanelt
  0  1035   1          28801      0     00300184    0.1  watchdog
  0  1036   1          1142847    0     00300184    5.2  power
  0  1037   1          221297     0     00300182    9.6  steppert
  0  1038   1          110119     0     00300182   11.7  rstepper meas
  0  1039   1          296574     0     00320184   16.7  state
  0  1041   550        14237      0     00300186    0.1
  0  1426   217        4537       0     00300182    8.3
  0  0      0          27793166   0     00000000   24.5  IRQ0: [timer]

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