At 01:04 PM 1/6/00 -0800, Assaf Arkin wrote:
>In my opinion the DOM should never include ignorable whitespace and
>Xerces should be fixed to ignore that. 

There is no such thing as ignoreable whitespace.  There is a special case
where you have a DTD handy (lots of XML applications don't) and you know
that the whitespace is in what's called an element-content model, and
the XML spec requires this situation to be reported.  There are two
fallacies at work here:

1. The DTD is always available.  This is false for the huge majority of
   existing XML apps
2. It's easy to figure out which white-space is significant.  Trust me on 
   this, a lot of smart people have wasted a lot of time trying to write
   down simple rules.  It's totally application-specific.


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