Assaf Arkin wrote:
<<<No problem. If you cannot specify in the DTD that whitespace is
ignoreable, it gets reported.>>>

Yeah, so the poor programmer is back to square one, having to prune the
space himself.

I still feel that since the way white space should be handled is very
app-specific the best way of handling this is not to try and second guess
the app programmer by examining the DTD or applying other rules.  As Tim
Bray said "a lot of smart people have wasted a lot of time trying to write
down simple rules".  The implication is that it can't be done.  (I certainly
didn't like the rule you proposed.  Not all #PCDATA is the same.  I have
applications where I use #PCDATA in a very restricted way and would want
"fierce normalization" (including the pruning of blank text nodes) to be

The best we can do is to help the app programmer handle his app-specific
rules by providing facilities that handle certain common cases for him.
Lots of people are going to want to strip white-space text nodes.  Xerces or
DOM should provide the mechanism (via methods or properties) but leave it up
to the app programmer to decide the policy of whether these mechanisms
should be applied or not.

-- jP --

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