Yeah, as I told you I'd taken a look in FontForge and it came out font
designers had anticipated such combination in the kerning pairs table.
In effect it works in PangoView but I can't figure out how to direct the
output toward a pdf, so I can't show you the right kerning, anyhow there
should be more space, that's obvious.
There should be some bug in XeTeX, I guess it doesn't look for kerning
pairs that involve alternate glyphs.
Best wishes,

Le samedi 05 février 2011 à 22:26 +0100, Adam Twardoch (List) a écrit :
> Sorry, I replied prematurely. I did have to change my document to
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{polyglossia}
> \setmainlanguage{Serbian}
> \usepackage{xunicode}
> \usepackage{xltxtra}
> \setmainfont[Script=Cyrillic,Language=Serbian]{Minion Pro}
> \begin{document}
> \fontsize{24}{24}\selectfont Убить!
> \end{document}
> to get the Serbian variant, and you're right.
> I've also tested it with a plain XeTeX variant:
> \font\samplefont = "Minion Pro:script=cyrl;language=SRB" at 72bp
> \samplefont
> \setbox0 \hbox{Убить!}
> \shipout\box0
> \end
> The font has the kerning definition:
> @kc38_first_29 = [\uni040E \uni0423 \uni0474 ];
> @kc38_second_16 = [\uni0435 \uni043E \uni0441 \uni0444 \uni0451 \uni0454
> \uni0473 \uni0431.ital ];
> pos @kc38_first_29 @kc38_second_16 -118;
> and the kerning pair in question is \uni0423\uni0431.ital
> So it should be kerned with the value -118. Unfortunately, it does seem
> like the rendered kerning value is deeper than that.
> Best,
> Adam

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