I have identified this issue as a serious bug in XeTeX.

In MinionPro-Regular.otf (version 2.068 is the one I have, but it's
likely that it applies to all versions), the relevant kerning definition
excerpt looks like the following:

feature kern {
  lookup kern1 {
      pos uni0423 uni0431.ital -53;
      pos [uni040E uni0423 uni0474] [uni0435 uni043E uni0441
      uni0444 uni0451 uni0454 uni0473 uni0431.ital] -118;
   } kern1;
} kern;

This means that there is an individual kern value between uni0423
uni0431.ital with the value of -53, then a subtable break, then a
class-based value for the same pair of -118.

Adobe InDesign CS5 correctly identifies the pair in the first subtable
(-53) as the one that it should apply, and ignores the second value. So
the kern comes out as -53.

It very much looks like XeTeX *incorrectly* parses *both* subtables, and
applies a sum of both the individual and the class value (-53-118 =
-171), which results in a very deep kern, and therefore an overlap.

This seems to be a serious, systematic bug in the way XeTeX (or its
underlying ICU Layout library) processes the GPOS table.

I've made an isolated test case that confirmes it.

I've created a test OpenType font. It defines a kerning pair A B -300, a
subtable break, and again the same pair. InDesign correctly applies only
the first value (-300), which is shown in the
SubtableKernTest-InDesign.pdf file. XeTeX applies both values
consecutively, which is shown in SubtableKernTest-XeTeX.pdf

All the test files (.ttf, .fea feature definitions, .tex and two PDFs)
are available at

I've also sent the test files offline to Jonathan Kew.

Many thanks to Alessandro Ceschini for raising the issue.


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