Am 06.02.2011 um 20:43 schrieb Alessandro Ceschini:

Now, what about the
"kerning=mykerns" option that would allow me to set a standard paradigm
for this combination without having to look for & add relevant
instructions ad infinitum?

It's simple: improve XeTeX's code! Add some functions and modules to it to find these settings and apply them when building words or making – and marking! – exceptions, find a place in TDS for these kerning files to stay...

Are you sure you can't achieve flawlessly with LuaTeX what comes out not perfect from XeTeX? LuaTeX as well works with fonts and their tables features directly, it also uses fontspec. I couldn't yet work with LuaTeX because some utilities died when they tried to build one more cache of font data available, but it should be able to work with Unicode, UTF-8, or such, encoded text... And when something is missing in LuaTeX you just write your own procedure in Lua.



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