--- Comment #58 from Andre Miranda <> ---
Here are the results of my little survey:

- Super alone (handled on release) opens menu
- Super+arrows tiles windows
- Super+d shows desktop
I found that muffin uses XGrabKey and cinnamon-settings-daemon uses
But nothing about special handling for super key, neither XRecord usage

Gnome: Similar behavior and code to cinnamon (obviously)

- Super alone (handled on release) opens menu
- Super+arrows tiles windows (not the default, can be set)
- Super+p opens display switcher
No traces of XIGrabKeycode, XGrabKey or XRecord in kwin
I couldn't find out what's their "settings-daemon" or the component responsible
for global hotkeys

- Super alone (handled on release) opens menu
- Super+left/right switches workspaces
- Super+up/down maximizes/restores windows
I'm almost certain it uses XRecord to handle modifiers on release:

Mate: Super alone cannot be assigned to anything
i3: Super ($mod) alone cannot be assigned to anything

Unless XInput2's grab of Super does not prevent other windows to receive events
of Super as modifier, I couldn't find the proper fix :'(
XRecord is too much hack to be introduced in Xfce's code IMHO.
For now, xcape -e 'Super_L=Control_L|Escape' on start up frees Super to be used
as modifier, not an official fix, but a simple workaround.

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