Your get system panics using the patch?  Are you certain you have the 
right one - I get nothing like that at all.  Perhaps you are running a 
service that uses the function (kqueue_stat in kern_event.c) and doesn't 
like it that I am not running?

Here are the modifications I use that work perfectly in 5.3 and 5.4 so 
far for me:

static int
kqueue_stat(struct file *fp, struct stat *st, struct ucred *active_cred,
    struct thread *td)

    return (ENXIO);


static int
kqueue_stat(struct file *fp, struct stat *st, struct ucred *active_cred,
    struct thread *td)
    struct kqueue *kq;
    int error;
    if ((error = kqueue_aquire(fp, &kq)))
        return ENOENT;
    bzero((void *)st, sizeof(*st));
    st->st_size = kq->kq_count;
    kqueue_release(kq, 1);
    st->st_blksize = sizeof(struct kevent);
    st->st_mode = S_IFIFO;
    return (0);

also, I haven't seen these mails...are they in the list and I'm just 
missing them?

I would definately advice trying the patch, Ross - if it causes system 
panics that you didn't get before as it seems to for David, then roll it 
back.  Hopefully the FreeBSD team will fix this bug before too long - 
they have been advised about it, but I don't know it's status...


David Lord wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On 18 Jun 2005, at 14:08, Ross Gohlke wrote:
>>>Which version of XMail?
>>1.21 from source.
>>>What are outputs of:  'lsof | grep -c XMail' and '/sbin/sysctl
>>james# lsof | grep -c XMail
>>james# /sbin/sysctl kern.openfiles
>>kern.openfiles: 106
>I was getting a gradual increase in open files such that maximum 
>allowed would be reached within about two weeks and XMail would stop 
>without any message to indicate it had.
>>>I ran XMail 1.17 on FreeBSD 4.10 for some time without a problem
>>configured. Now with XMail 1.21 on FreeBSD 5.3 as of Feb 6, I've 
>>never had it stable due to kqueue and possible hardware >
>>incompatibilities. I'm considering move back to try XMail 1.17 and if
>>that doesn't work a move to NetBSD 2.0.2.
>>So should I downgrade to 1.17?
>>Jeff mentioned a patch. Would this fix my problem? If so, where can I
>>get it?
>If it needs fixing at all, ie you see a build up of open files, then 
>it's worth trying the patch. Here the patch worked in that open files 
>didn't increase but I would have a system panic within a few days 
>whilst now unpatched I'm on 26 days uptime and restarting XMail twice 
>a week and open files are only hitting around 700 with maximum set at 
>2816. I'm slowly setting up a replacement server.
>>>I've had similar errors from CtrlClnt when either command syntax was
>>wrong or had a misconfiguration. I no longer attempt to use CtrlClnt
>>from a commandline, only from scripts.
>>Not sure I understand how calling them from scripts would make a
>It's just that it lowers my chances of having mistyped the command. 
>Also some of the scripts can take parameters from a list.
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