Hi there,

On Mon, Dec 07, 2009 at 01:20:07PM -0600, Jim Campbell wrote:
> > It seems like most people are open to a council-type approach in terms of
> > governance (if that's the right word).  It also seems like we would still
> > need someone who can manage the seeds alongside Lionel, and perhaps do some
> > development, too.  I'm not sure what all is involved in what Cody has done,
> > to be honest, but we will need to find a person or (perhaps more likely) a
> > couple people who can contribute in a technical manner similar to how has
> > been able to contribute. I wouldn't expect anyone to perform those kind of
> > duties right away, but . . .  eventually . . .  they could grow into those
> > kind of responsibilities.
> >
> > I know what I'm proposing above isn't terribly formal, but I'm on visiting
> > the neighbouring city of Milwaukee this weekend, and wanted to provide some
> > input on this matter for now.  :)
> >

I'm all in favor of a council-type approach, thanks for thinking about
this. ;)

No problem about the people proposed either (although Micheal hasn't
contributed at all to Xubuntu for more than six months, nor spoken on
our ml or irc chan, so I'm not sure he's still interested).

> Cody and Lionel, what areas do you think you could use the most support?  Is
> it in bug triage?  Is it in development, packaging and patching?  Is it in
> managing the seeds?  There may be Xubuntu users or MOTU folks who we could
> recruit based on a specific need.
> I know that recruiting new contributors is difficult (particularly skilled
> ones) but identifying particular areas where we need the most development
> help would at least give us a chance.

The biggest issue isn't packaging imho. Now, most of our packages are
synced as-is from Debian, and for the remaining ones, the delta with
Debian is well identified (xubuntu-specific changes such as notify-osd
support, etc.). Yet, some help would be appreciated on the
StableReleaseUpdates (SRU) front, as currently we fix ~0 bug after a
release, and users have to live with some annoying bugs during six

An important problem for karmic was testing (especially gnome components
<-> xfce interactions) and reporting bugs about that.  It's rather
difficult to have the desktop team change something in their packages,
and when we detect that a few days before/after the release, it's
impossible. =]

Charlie might probably need some help on bug triaging also…

(I only focused on 'technical' stuff, but people may need help on
documentation and artwork too ;)


Lionel Le Folgoc - https://launchpad.net/~mrpouit
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