>     These commands were not found : mpg123, flac123, mpg321, ogg123
>      => these file types won't be played by the 123 output : mp3, oga, flac
> Is that "These commands were not found" my problem?
According to this discussion:

" Gmusicbrowser on the official website it was written that the program
needs two packages: perl and gtk-2."  He/she installed these programs and
seemed to clear their issue up.  Audio is not my strong suite but seems
there are some missing backend support for your audio.  I usually install
the restricted extras [be sure to understand the restrictions and
conditions] which seems to pull additional gstreamer software, I know
parole has consistently choked on gstreamer issues which is why I don't use
it.  VLC is very hardy and forgiving so it surprises me it would have
issues.  Would be curious to see what errors it has in playing [run from
command line again]; perhaps with verbose option for greater detail.

What file type is the music?  If mp[?] have you tried converting to ogg and
tried playing it?  Don't think it would make a diff because of the above
error, but you never know.
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