
On May 3, 2007, at 5:38am, Patrick Gilmour wrote:

I think the fix is to wait for the next version upgrade - this is a common problem ;-)

Hold on in there!

On May 3, 2007, at 8:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


i'm enjoying yojimbo (still in the evaluation period), but i have a problem:

each time i launch yojimbo, i get the SBBOD (spinning beach ball of death) off and on for about a minute. during this time, it is very difficult (or sometimes impossible) for me to interact with the application. but after a minute or so, the SBB goes away, and i can work.

needless to say, this is extremely annoying. i don't launch yojimbo at login, so when i do launch it, that means i need to use it *then*. but i typically have to wait a minute or so before i can.

why is this happening? or, more specifically, how can i get it to *stop* happening?


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