On 2008-04-29, at 19:41, Scott J. Lopez wrote:

I see a lot of messages out there requsting Yojimbo did a lot of
things it doesn't and I just want to tell the developers I'm quite
happy with Yojimbo the way it is. Maybe a few bugs need to be fixed
but please don't give in to "feature creep" and try to make Yojimbo
the kitchen sink application. I keep Yojimbo running 7x24 and don't
want it to become a hog on resources. Yojimbo does what it does and
does so very well.

Thank you Barebones!

Well, I am also happy with Yojimbo. It is very stable and rock solid application, but would be great to have just a little more functionality. I am not gonna say that I want to make Yojimbo kitchen sink application, but please read my post, do you think that these features would make Yojimbo so havy? It is just some tweaks around which are not tend to change the overall Yojimbo idea. Just make it more productive, that's it.

All the best,
Krzysztof Maj, JNCIP-M/T
I'm a [EMAIL PROTECTED], are you still a PC?

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